Owl Embedded Python for 32-bit Microcontrollers
The profiler is not fully documented yet. Feel free to use it at your own risk.
Returns information from the call statistics profiler. This is currently unfinished.
Returns statistics from the dictionary profiler. This output does not need to be post-processed.
Sets up the profiler, starts it, runs function f, then stops it. The result should be passed through the profiler.py post-processor in the tools directory.
Dumps the results of the Python line number profiler. The results should be run through the pyprofiler.py post-processor.
Resets all counters in the profiler. Run this before starting the profiler.
Marks the current file as the one to profile for the line number profiler.
Starts the profiler with f ticks per second. This number should be relatively prime to the VM tick frequency. Picking a number that is itself prime is a good way to do this.
Stops the profiler.
Dumps the results of the VM profiler. The results should be run through the profiler.py post-processor.